Contributor application result e-mails sent out!

Where Fashion and Passion Collide


We're the same crew that's bringing you the Adam DiRTzine which is rated 16+! Please check it out as well.


Alchimique (Head Mod)

Age: "Get off the phone. I need to use the internet."
Tadashi is an entire mood and a half

Heyo! I'm double heading this and the Adam DiRTzine because why not. I'm in charge of general management and social media. I couldn’t do this without the rest of the mod pack. Thank you for your pawsome support and interest!


Kira (Layout & Zine Graphics Mod)

Age: Sonic 1
Imagine if they all had guns

Hello! I'm Alchimique’s friend. I have experience in layout design and printing. I'm here to help however I can!


Moofy (Finance & Shipping Mod)

Age: Floppy Disc is not a 3D printed Save Icon
Who pays to keep the lights on at Crazy Rock?

ワンワン! Hi I'm Moofy, I have a variety of experience in managing money professionally and have worked on a few different zine projects as a finance mod. Between managing my professional and fandom life I too only function on 4 hours of sleep like Tadashi.


Thane (Data and Asst. Shipping Mod)

Age: I watched Sailor Moon by renting VHS tapes from Blockbuster
Don't @ me. I scare easy.

Hello! This is the second zine I have helped staff for and I am excited to join in. I am excited to learn more of the process and help out how I can!


Kitty (Communications Mod)

Age: I had actual pogs
What is Adam if not a sexy dumpster fire enduring?

Hullo! I actually am a professional communications person. I’m also involved in the RinHaru Zine mod team in a similar capacity. I am head over heels in love with this Victorian romance set in the 2000s.

( Made with Carrd )